Level up to at least Level 23 in order to defeat iron hogs, which are Level 22. You level up by traveling the maps, defeating monsters and completing quests.
Travel to Burnt Land III or IV in Victoria. This is where you will find the most iron hogs.
Begin killing iron hogs and picking up their drops. One of the items they drop is an Iron Hog's Metal Hoof. Kill iron hogs until you collect 100 of these.
Gain 1000 mesos by selling items you picked up to NPC shop owners in cities, traveling to the free market from these locations: Henesys, Perion, El Nath, Aquarium, Ludibrium, Omega Sector, Orbis, Riprey and Shouwa Town, and selling items to other players or by completing quests.
Travel to the center of Kerning City to find Chris the Ore Refiner. Give him your 100 Iron Hog's Metal Hooves and 1000 mesos and he will make you a steel plate.