Open the Installer
An oversight that causes some people to experience problems installing "IMVU" is not opening the "IMVU" installer after you save it. Click on the "Download IMVU Now!" button on the official "IMVU" website. Click "Save" and then check your computer for the installer file, which will typically appear in your "Downloads" folder or on your desktop. Double click that file in order to start the installation process. The process does not start automatically after you save the file.
Error During Download
Sometimes a browser incompatibility can cause the download "IMVU" installation file to become corrupt. This is especially likely to be true if your browser is out of date or "IMVU" has just released a new version. Try downloading the file with another browser or after you've updated your browser to the latest version. If that does not solve the problem, the browser is not the issue.
Protection Programs
Protection programs, such as anti-spyware and anti-virus programs, may actually recognize "IMVU" or parts of the "IMVU" installer file as malware, although getting the download from the official site is likely to mean that there will be no malware attached to the installer file. Turn off your protection programs before you download the installer file to prevent portions of the file from being isolated and removed by your protection programs.
Run as Administrator
If you experience an error after you double click the installer file that says "Error opening file for writing," do not double click on the file to open it. Instead, right click on the installer file and select "Run as administrator." This should bypass the problem and begin the installation process. This is especially likely to happen if your version of Windows or your Mac operating system is out of date.