̶0;Rise of the Godslayer̶1; allows ̶0;Conan̶1; players to explore the new continent of Khitai. Much of the content in this expansion caters to high-level players and those who have reached the game's level cap of 80, so gamers at level 70 should be fairly comfortable for the duration of ̶0;Rise.̶1; Of the game's five zones, the last four cater to high-level players, especially the final areas of Paikang and the Chosain Province. Quest-targets, which open up tasks, form the bulk of the content for high-level gamers. ̶0;Rise̶1; offers hundreds of new quests to perform, ranging from slaying monsters and taming bear cubs to diving for artifacts and destroying bodies in a river.
Faction Play
In addition to new quests, ̶0;Rise of the Godslayer̶1; allows high-level players to align themselves with factions via performing tasks to impress faction leaders. The expansion features 10 factions in all, including the violent rogues of the Brittle Blade, the thieves of the Shadows of Jade, the peaceful monks of the Yellow Priests of Yun and the sorcerers of the Scarlet Circle.
Players at or around 70 can partake in the expansion's alternate advancement system that awards points to spend on character-improvement perks. After level 80, you can choose a perk and auto-train your character in that skill, even when not at the computer. Outside of quests, new characters and alternate advancement, level-70 players are free to grind ̵1; or raise levels ̵1; by slaying monsters in any area of the game. If you get bored playing as a high-level character, ̶0;Rise of the Godslayer̶1; offers the option of creating a new Khitan character.
Before 70
Early areas in ̶0;Rise of the Godslayer̶1; cater to players between levels 20 and 40. The first zones in the game, such Gateway to Khitai and the Frost Swamp, especially accommodate these players. Dungeons throughout all five zones offer gear rewards and experience-heavy boss battles that help mid-level players quickly advance, especially when encountered with a group.