Log on to Myspace with your username and password. Create a new Mobsters character. Select the "Tycoon" class when prompted by the game. The Tycoon class earns the most money, which is ideal for a bounty hunter character.
Click the "Godfather" tab. At the beginning of each game, you are awarded 10 favor points by the Godfather. Click on "The Godfather offers you $10,000 for 10 favor points" link to trade in your favor points for cash.
Click the "Territories" tab. Purchase two vacant lots from the territories menu. Log out of Myspace for the remainder of the day.
Purchase one vacant lot from the "Territories" tab on day two, after waiting 24 hours for your income to produce.
Purchase one town home from the "Territories" tab on day three. Purchase one town home and one vacant lot on day four. Purchase two town homes from the "Territories" tab on day five.
Purchase one vacant lot and one restaurant from the "Territories" tab on day six. On the seventh day, purchase 10 additional vacant lots. On the eighth day, purchase two restaurants and one town home.
Purchase three restaurants on the ninth day from the "Territories" tab. On the tenth day of gameplay, purchase one storefront and one condo complex.
Log in to your Mobsters game on the eleventh day. Purchase weapons and equipment for your mob. For example, bullet proof vests, different guns and vehicles are good equipment for a bounty hunter.
Accept any requests to join your mob from other members. Visit the "Requests" tab and send requests out to additional members to join your mob. Once you have a stocked mob, you can begin collecting bounties.