Restart your computer and then open the Rumble Fighter Launcher to confirm that a HackShield problem actually exists. Double-click ̶0;Rumble Fighter̶1; on your desktop and wait for the launcher to install the current updates, including HackShield. If HackShield is working, updated HackShield files should load. The file names marked "hackshield̶1; appear to the right of ̶0;File name:̶1; during installation.
Look for the ̶0;AhnLab HackShield Pro for Online Games̶1; box at the lower right corner of your computer screen after the files download and the ̶0;Starting Game̶1; box appears to confirm that the latest HackShield update downloaded.
Uninstall ̶0;Rumble Fighter̶1; and the OGPlanet Launcher if you get an error message or the HackShield screen doesn̵7;t appear. Click ̶0;Start,̶1; select ̶0;All Programs,̶1; ̶0;Rumble Fighter," ̶0;Uninstall̶1; and then follow the onscreen instructions. When you're finished, go to ̶0;OG Planet̶1; on the All Programs menu, select ̶0;Uninstall OGPlanet Launcher̶1; and follow the onscreen instructions.
Reinstall the OGPlanet Launcher and ̶0;Rumble Fighter̶1; to download and update HackShield. Go to the OGPlanet ̶0;Rumble Fighter̶1; Web page, log in with your user name and password, click the ̶0;Download for Free̶1; button, click ̶0;Run̶1; and then follow the onscreen instructions to install and download the files. After the installation, launch ̶0;Rumble Fighter̶1; and check for HackShield updates and the HackShield box.