Log in to ̶0;MapleStory̶1; with your character.
Click ̶0;System̶1; from the bottom menu, then click ̶0;Key Settings.̶1; A keyboard interface appears and your mouse cursor becomes a hand icon.
Click on the keyboard command you want to change. The hand icon grabs that keyboard command. For example, to change the ̶0;Jump̶1; command, click on the ̶0;Jump̶1; command icon, located on the ̶0;Alt̶1; key by default.
Move the cursor to the new keyboard setting you would like to assign the command and click a second time. The keyboard command automatically appears in the new setting. If you overwrite an existing keyboard command, that command appears in a slot below the keyboard interface until you assign it with a new keyboard setting.
Repeat the process until you have fixed your keyboard settings to your liking, then click ̶0;OK̶1; to complete the process.