Enter the Sellbot Factory, just off of Daisy's Gardens. Defeat the Factory Foreman and you collect one piece of the Sellbot Cog Disguise. Repeat this step nine more times to collect the full Sellbot Cog Disguise.
Head to Donald's Dreamland and pick up the Cashbot ToonTasks. Each completed task will give you a new Cashbot disguise piece.
Travel to Polar Place and speak with the scientist Professor Flake. Accept his ToonTasks in exchange for Lawbot disguise pieces. These tasks are only available after the player has completed the Donald's Dreamland ToonTasks.
Go to Toon HQ and talk to Shep Ahoy, in Donald's Dock. He will give you another set of ToonTasks to complete. Once finished, he will give you the Bossbot suit. These ToonTasks are only available to players who have completed the Lawbot disguise.