Sharing Account Information
Ninety percent of all security breaches in Dragon Fable aren't true hacking incidents, according to Artix Entertainment. Players who give their account passwords to friends can suffer from a compromised account without an outsider hacking into it. To prevent this kind of problem, don't share, give away or trade your account. An unscrupulous player with your information can lock you out of your account by changing the password. Other players may also steal weapons, armor or other items by transferring them to their characters. Artix Entertainment cannot intervene if you gave out the information yourself.
Hacked Account
True hacking is relatively rare, but occurs when someone guesses the password to your account or otherwise compromises the security. If your account has been hacked, contact Artix Entertainment through their Automated Recovery Page or Account Hacked webform with the details of the problem. Their customer service representatives can help you figure out what happened and get any lost items back.
Security Measures
Other people may attempt to get your account information through chat or on forums. You should never give out more than your Character Name. Avoid saving your username or password in the browser when using a public computer. Always log out of Dragon Fable and close the browser at the end of your session to prevent other public computer users from logging into your account. Whenever possible, play on private computers only.
Locked Account or Lost Password
In the event of a security breach, other users may change your password and lock you out of your account. In this case, or if you forget your password, use the lost password page to recover your old password or set a new one. If this page doesn't work for you, and you have a paid account, try the Automated Recovery Page. If you no longer have access to the original email account and neither page works, use the Account Hacked Web contact form. Players who have used hacking tools or programs, or who have had their account payments disputed, may find that their character page or account has been disabled by Artix. The company will not re-enable accounts that have been used to hack its system, but Artix does handle payment disputes through the Jailed Character Web contact form.