Log in to your ̶0;Howrse̶1; account, select ̶0;Profile̶1; and then click ̶0;My Objectives.̶1; Objectives are numbered tasks that reward you with special prizes as you progress through them. You can have up to three objectives at a time.
Complete objectives until objective number 53 becomes available. This objective instructs you to send an elderly horse to the horse heaven.
Care for one of your oldest horses as you normally would until the horse dies of old age. The horse must be at least 30 years old in order to send it to heaven. This will complete objective number 53 and earn you a free Pass.
Return to your ̶0;My Objectives̶1; page and press the ̶0;Validate̶1; button next to objective number 53. This will reward you with a free Pandora̵7;s Box.
Continue to breed and age your horses. Each horse you send to heaven will earn you a free Pass.