The ̶0;Old Key̶1; in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game ̶0;MapleStory̶1; is an item used to complete the level 16 quest ̶0;A Deal With Mr. Pickall.̶1; While the item itself cannot be equipped or used in battle, it can be exchanged for a doll required for future quests. The Old Key is dropped by Bubblings -- a low level enemy that also awards you with 17 experience points, when defeated.
Obtain ten Old Keys by battling Bubblings in the Chimney Tree. Use standard weapon attacks or fire, ice or lightning spells to defeat them.
Go to Kerning City, located east of Victoria Road.
Speak to Mr. Pickall, the mustached man wearing glasses, found on the right side of the screen. He will award you with a Bubbling Doll in exchange for your Old Keys.