Travel to Sky Forest, just outside of Mu Lung, and kill level 40 squirrels. Killing mobs for a chance at a drop is a free but time-consuming method and you get extra loot.
Continue to Kulan Fields IV and V in the Omega Sector. Find and kill the level 49 monsters called Chief Gray. Along with the Purple Steel Boots and the Aqua Golden Circlet, they drop the Maple Storm Finger.
Complete the Herb Town Party Quest, which is for levels 55 to 100. This repeatable quest includes boarding a pirate ship and fighting various monsters. Kill as many kru as possible; they also drop the Maple Storm Finger.
Go to Ludibrium when you reach level 61 and enter the Clock Tower Dungeon. Walk along the Warped Path of Time and climb up to the highest platform to the Unbalanced Time entrance. Inside, kill dual ghost pirates for a chance drop.
Travel to Minar Forest on the West Border of Ossyria and look for dark rash monsters. They drop the Red Mystique set for thieves, Silver Ancient Shield for warriors and Maple Storm Finger for pirates.