Goblin Personality
Before you can truly get "in character" as a goblin, you must understand the personality of the goblin race. Throughout "Warcraft" history, goblins have historically been a greedy race. Goblins will do underhanded things to get what they want. This does not mean that you should treat other players badly, but this should shape your in-character's personality and reflect in your character's choices and actions when playing. For example, a goblin rogue might open a friend's lockbox only if a reward is promised.
Goblin Disposition
Although goblins are a Horde faction race in "WoW," not all goblins despise the Alliance faction. When you create your goblin, you should decide how your character feels about both the Horde and Alliance. This can change the way you treat Alliance players in game. For example, you may wish your goblin to be a more neutral character; even though your race has sided with the Horde, you may still respect the Alliance and attempt to help an Alliance member when you cross paths while questing.ng.
Goblin Classes
Goblins can choose from a variety of classes in "WoW," including mages, rogues, warriors, priests and shamen. Your class should also shape your personality and play style. For example, goblin warriors might decide to be a warrior for personal gain and feel that they deserve larger rewards for protecting groups of players or tanking, or taking attack damage, in a group. Goblin rogues, on the other hand, might take delight in hiding in the shadows and using the "Pick Pocket" spell more often than other rogues.
Goblin Professions
The professions your character chooses are yet another aspect of your character shaped by his race. Engineering is the ideal profession for a goblin, as goblins are renowned for creating such inventions as Jumper Cables and Mortars. Additionally, jewelcrafting is another profession that adequately fits the character of a goblin, as goblins like nothing more than to handle fine and valuable items. Alternatively, a goblin may prefer gathering professions such as herbalism and mining, as she knows she can make substantial amounts of money selling items gathered for a high price at the Auction House.