Complete the tutorial. If you've leveled other classes within "Star Wars Galaxies," you may not want to sit through the tutorial again. However, when a Trader completes the tutorial, he is rewarded with 1000 credits and some basic crafting materials. Getting access to this free loot saves you time in leveling up.
Examine the auction houses to find out what goods will earn you the most credits. As a Trader, you need lots of crafting materials in order to make your goods. Earning a profit gives you access to the materials you need for more advanced items that give you more XP.
Craft the most difficult items possible in order to gain more XP. Every time you level up your crafting ability to the next level, you get access to more challenging -- and valuable -- schematics. Don't waste your time crafting items from the previous level. The more challenging the item, the more XP you are rewarded for it.