Create a "Meez" account at the "Meez: Home" website. "Meez" is a free online game, but you must register in order to create your avatar and begin interacting with others. Create your avatar to begin entering cheat codes to give you more money and items.
Enter the code "FREEH&BTEEPLEASE" to get a free Hot and Bothered T-shirt for your avatar.
Enter the cheat code "rawrshorts" to get 250 Coinz. Enter the codes "roscoe love meez," "meezplundder1," "lovelovemeez," "lovelucy01" and "youmeandmeez" to get more currency with which to buy new clothes and accessories.
Go to the "Meez" homepage and collect your daily Coinz boost. Collect extra coins in your "Meez" account once per day.
Purchase the "Meez VIP" card on your account to get access to more items and more Coinz.