Play ̶0;Pipe Tune̶1; on your reed pipe immediately after crossing the River Styx to put Cerebrus, the dog, to sleep. Click the dog to pluck one of his whiskers.
Teleport back to the Tree Base using your touchscreen mirror. Talk to Athena and take the five items she hands you. Assemble the five items to form the sentence ̶0;Whoever wields the five sacred items will rule all of Poptropica.̶1; Zeus appears immediately and steals the items from you.
Speak to Athena again. She tells you to talk to Hercules. Travel down Main Street until you reach Herc̵7;s Hero Hut and enter it. Talk to Hercules, who agrees to help you.
Travel to Poseidon̵7;s Realm with Hercules using your touchscreen mirror. Enter Poseidon̵7;s throne room and ask for his assistance; he hands you a trident.
Leave the throne room and walk through the underwater maze in front of it. You have infinite time in the maze, so it doesn̵7;t matter if you get lost at any point. After working your way through the maze, talk to Hercules. Immediately after your conversation with Hercules you will be able to teleport to Hades̵7; Realm using your touchscreen mirror.