Pull back on the squirrel to launch him into the air and click anywhere on the screen for the squirrel̵7;s teacher to launch him even farther into the air.
Play enough levels to earn the money to purchase a rocket pack and one parachutes. Purchase fruit as well since it prolongs the time you are in the air.
Click on the squirrel while he̵7;s in the air to launch fruit at him. The fruit will make him fly higher, so launch fruit when there is an animal right above him so he can get it.
Allow the squirrel hit the ground once and press ̶0;A̶1; for the rocket pack to launch him back into the air. Aim the squirrel for animals, if possible.
Press ̶0;5̶1; or the parachute icon to slow the squirrel̵7;s fall. Slow the fall when an animal is coming up and the squirrel is falling too fast to hit it.