Download and install Cheat Engine from the Internet. The website is listed in the Resources section below.
Start a game of "Farkle" on Facebook using Firefox as the browser.
Run Cheat Engine, selecting Firefox as the browser.
Locate the number of points that you have in the "Farkle" game. Input that value into the "Hex" field and click "First Scan."
Play a game of "Farkle" until you get a new score. Save the game, input the new points value into the "Hex" field and click "Scan." The remaining result will be the "Farkle" game.
Click on the result, and then double click on the line of code that appears on the bottom of the screen to access this game's point value code. Change the value to any value you like, and click "Save." When you start a new game, you will have a number of points equal to the new value.