Walk up to the ̶0;Beware of Dog̶1; sign, click your ̶0;Items̶1; bag and locate the ̶0;Pipe Tune̶1; card you received in the Temple of the Muses. Review the tune.
Locate the ̶0;Reed Pipe̶1; card, and click the ̶0;Use̶1; button. When the pipe appears on the screen, play the pipe tune by clicking the color-edged holes: blue, green, yellow, blue, red and green. If you play the tune correctly, Cerberus' three heads will lower and fall asleep.
Select a whisker on one of the heads to transfer the ̶0;Sacred Item - Whisker from Cerberus̶1; card to your ̶0;Items̶1; bag.