Begin to earn as many Gourmet Points (GP) as possible. Good ways to earn these points are by leveling up the dishes you serve. Level 1 dishes are worth only one GP, but increase by 0.2 GP with every additional level. Gifting also earns you GP. You can gift coins, avatar items and tiles to quickly gain GP.
Leave the your screen open to your restaurant. This will allow your restaurant to run, gaining you both coins and GP, the pieces necessary to expand your restaurant.
Level up as you continue to gain GP. You can tell what the requirements for each level are by clicking on the Gourmet Points bar on the screen. The bar will tell you how many GP are needed to gain the next level and what sort of upgrade you will get. As you continue to level up the inside of your restaurant will continue to expand.
Expand the area outside of your restaurant by using coins. With every five levels gained, starting at level 20, you̵7;ll be able to purchase a larger outdoor expansion. At level 20 you can expand to a 6-tile-by-6-tile restaurant. Every five levels after that allow you to expand by two more tiles. For example, the level 25 upgrade allows you to expand your restaurant to an 8-tile-by-8-tile size for 15,000 coins.