Right-click on your task bar and select "Task Manager." Click the "Applications" tab to see the list of programs currently running on your computer.
Turn off any programs that are using the Internet, such as downloads or news feeds. You can click "End Task" while having the program selected to shut it down easily.
Run the command "regedit" from the "Command Prompt." In "regedit," browse the file path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\ Interfaces" and look for a file matching your IP Address. You can find your IP Address by typing "ipconfig" in the "Command Prompt."
Right-click on the "regedit" interface and select "New." Select "DWORD (32-bit) Value" and name it "TCPNoDelay."
Right-click the new value file, and select "Modify." Enter "1" in the modify field. Close "regedit" and restart your computer.
Load your game to test if your latency is now lower.