Select ̶0;Director, with your permission I̵7;d like to join the investigation̶1; right at the start of the mission. Select ̶0;Thank you, director̶1; when the director responds, and then give the man with the jet pack the file from your inventory. Ask, ̶0;When did G go missing?̶1; followed by ̶0;Where is the gadget room?̶1; When you get your responses, click ̶0;I̵7;m going to see what I can do to fix that problem.̶1;
Select ̶0;What about you?̶1; followed by ̶0;You can count on me, Agent. Good luck in your search.̶1; Take the file from your inventory and hand it to D. Ask him, ̶0;Who is Gary?̶1; then ̶0;So, why is Gary so important?̶1; When you get your answers, ask, ̶0;Is it possible that G just took off?̶1; and then exit the command room.
Click on the rookie and ask, ̶0;Hi Agent, what are you up to?̶1; Follow up by asking, ̶0;Do you know who G is?̶1; and ̶0;Have you seen G lately?̶1; When he responds, leave the HQ and go to the Sport Shop. Hand the file from your inventory to the cashier and asks her about the old glasses.
Return to the HQ and put Gary̵7;s old glasses on. Click on the Eye Scanner 3000 and enter the Gadget Room. Click the Mechano-Duster in the right drawer of the desk with the clock on it. Go to the mountain and clear the snow with the Mechano-Duster.
Go back to the Sport Shop and speak to Dot. Tell her that you have found a key and that it̵7;s somewhat bent. Use the key from your inventory on the door. Tell Dot that the key has snapped and, when she responds, thank her. Mission 4 is now completed.