Decide which Furious Gladiator items you want and calculate the total amount of justice points you need to purchase the items. Helms, chestpieces and legguards cost 935 justice points each, while gloves and shoulderguards cost 591 justice points each. To purchase an entire set of items, you will need a total of 3,987 justice points.
Defeat bosses in high-level dungeons until you have enough justice points to purchase all the items you want.
Travel to Dalaran, the magical city floating over the Crystalsong Forest zone in the continent of Northrend.
Purchase the items from the appropriate vendor for your faction. If your character belongs to the Alliance faction, you can purchase the items from Arcanist Miluria, the Legacy Justice Quartermaster in the Silver Enclave. If your character belongs to the Horde faction, you can purchase the items from Magistrix Vesara, the Legacy Justice Quartermaster in the Sunreaver's Sanctuary.