Log in to your ̶0;Monster Ranch̶1; account. You will see a list of your monsters on your home page.
Click ̶0;Town Center̶1; from the top menu and then click ̶0;Breeding Shrine.̶1;
Type your ̶0;Monster Ranch̶1; password in the text box and click the ̶0;Validate̶1; button.
Select your male and female monsters from the drop-down menu. The menu will show only monsters who are higher than Level 15.
Click the ̶0;Check Match Results̶1; option to see a preview of what the offspring will be.
Click ̶0;Allow Monsters to Breed̶1; to continue. The site will return you to the Breeding Shrine with a message that states that the monsters have bred, run away and left you with a new egg.
Click the ̶0;Egg̶1; link in the message to view your new monster egg. It will take one day for your new egg to hatch into a monster that you can begin to raise and train.