Wield a Weapon
Purchase a ranging weapon from the Grand Exchange or a ranging shop, or make it yourself with the fletching skill. Every type of ranging weapon in the game gives a ranging bonus. Ranging weapons include bows, crossbows, knives, darts and javelins.
Click on the weapon in your inventory to equip it. The higher the weapon's level is, the more of an attack bonus it will give you, so use the highest level weapon you can. Bows give more of a bonus than other weapons do.
Choose an enemy to fight and battle with it. Your character will hit more accurately with a higher bonus than with a lower one.
Wear Armour
Purchase or make a piece of ranging armour, such as a body, chaps or vambraces. You can make these items out of different types of leather: normal, dragonhide or frog. You can also make them from yak hide or sheepskin.
Click on the piece of armour to wear it. The body will give you the largest ranging attack bonus, as will armour made from higher materials.
Get your weapon from the bank and travel to the enemy of your choosing. Fight him, taking advantage of the attack bonus given to you by your armour.
Use Other Equipment
Participate in activities or complete quests to get other pieces of equipment that will give you a ranging attack bonus. Get Karil the Tainted̵7;s set from the Barrows activity, Void Knight armour from the Pest Control activity and Ava̵7;s Attractor from the Animal Magnetism quest.
Click on the armour or attractor to equip it and receive a ranging attack bonus.
Fight monsters while wearing these pieces of equipment to take advantage of the bonuses they give you.