Log on to the Internet and navigate to (see Resources). Click "Make a Game" on the first page. Several free game makers will come up, so choose the one you are most interested in.
Add graphic elements of design that will make your game more attractive. At the time of publication, you need at least the 10.3 version of Adobe Flash Player. In Physics Game Maker BETA, for example, all you have to do is click the Paintbrush, then hit "G," and you are ready to go.
Insert hazards and other options for your game. You can add enemies, set rules for power-ups, and add doors, pipes, tiles, bricks, walls and other elements. Another option is loading a platformer game that you can integrate with your own creation. Once you've set the parameters for your game, you can publish it. If you've signed in for a free membership on Sploder, you can invite others to play your game as well.