Release the egg from the first white bird over the opening between the first and second columns. This move kills the evil green pig under the board in this second slot, and causes an explosion that knocks over part of the first column and kills the evil green pig located in that column.
Drop the second angry bird on the upper-left corner of the third column. This causes the destruction of the third column and the death of the evil green pig in column three. It also knocks down the other columns and spaces leading up to the last column, while killing the evil green pigs in each of those areas, leaving the large evil green pig in the middle and one column containing an evil green pig at the far right.
Drop the egg from the third white angry bird directly over the middle of the large evil green pig. This causes further destruction of its cover.
Drop the fourth angry bird directly on top of the large evil green pig. This angry bird penetrates through the protective stones over the large pig and causes its demise.
Launch the fifth angry bird directly into the last column on the right. This causes the destruction of the last column and kills the last evil green pig.
Sit back and watch as you get a bonus from your two remaining unused birds.