Obtain the special code for the ̶0;Angry Birds: Rio̶1; contest. Refer to the game rules to determine the location of the code. For instance, in the Super Bowl contest, the code was flashed during a short commercial that aired during the game. The code will be in the form of a game level.
Launch the ̶0;Angry Birds: Rio̶1; app on your device.
Open the game level that corresponds with the code you received. For instance, if the code is 2-12, enter world 2, level 12.
Defeat the pigs on the level. Use the birds to strategically aim and kill all of the pigs. You may need to play the level several times to defeat the pigs. A golden egg level opens up if you successfully defeat the pigs.
Launch the golden egg level and defeat the pigs. When you defeat the pigs on this level, you will be given an opportunity to complete a entry form for the contest.