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How Do I Skip the Tutorial in EverQuest?

If you are new to EverQuest, the tutorial provides some basic guidance, but a seasoned player can jump right into the action by electing to skip the tutorial. Earlier versions of EverQuest didn̵7;t even have a tutorial, so you might not know the process for skipping this portion of the game, but it̵7;s fairly simple. During the character creation process, you can choose to enter the Arias jailbreak quest right away rather than spending time on the tutorial Gloomingdeep Mines areas.


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      Open the EverQuest download client to receive the latest updates. Certain versions of the game do not let you skip the tutorial, so you must make sure you are running the most recent EverQuest edition.

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      Connect to an EverQuest server.

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      Click ̶0;Create Character.̶1; Craft your character as usual, adjusting features, picking a race, and selecting a character class.

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      Click on the ̶0;Tutorial̶1; check box one your character is finished. When you click this box, you deselect the option, letting you go straight to the first quest.

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      Click ̶0;Enter World̶1; to start your game with your new character.

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