Go to the Cyber Station ticket counter and purchase a ticket to R-Fair City for 20 snelfus. Go to the right to travel to that location. Go left one screen, then click on the tree to the south that's holding cyberberries. Click on the tree until all of the berries have fallen into the basket beneath it, then click on the basket to pick up 10 cyberberries.
Go left one screen and you'll see a four-way intersection. Go north one screen, then click on the basket of cyberberries immediately to your left to pick them up. Return to the train that took you to this section and ride it back to the terminal. Purchase a ticket to the Cybermall for 5 snelfus, then ride the train to that location.
Click on the entrance to "Wicked's Home & Castle Collection." Select "Buy Stuff," then select "More" to move on to the second page. Purchase all three baskets of 10 cyberberries each for a total of 45 skelfus. Leave the store, then enter "Creech's Surf Shop."
Purchase the two baskets of 10 cyberberries each for a total of 40 shelfus. Exit the store and ride the train back to the station. Purchase a ticket to the Aquari-yum.
Go left two screens, then go up once. Click on the basket of 10 cyberberries at the north side of this screen to get the last of the cyberberries for this mission.