Click on the "M" badge at the top right corner of the screen. Click on the "Become a Secret Agent" message that appears.
Click through the messages that appear until you see a message asking "Are You Sure?" Click "Yes" to bring up the Agent Quiz.
Select "Honest" for the question about the best qualities of an Agent. Select "Being Mean or Rude" for the question about the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator. Choose "Report Them" on the question regarding what to do if you see a penguin breaking the rules.
Select "Saying Their Address" for the question regarding the type of personal information that should be reported. Choose "I Want to Keep Club Penguin Safe" for the question about your reasoning behind becoming a Secret Agent. Select "I Want to Help Other Penguins" for the final question asking for another reason that you want to be a Secret Agent. This will make you a Secret Agent, and you will get a spy phone in your inventory when you next log on to "Club Penguin."