Travel to Tailteann, located west of the logging camp, north of Tara and northwest of Dunbarton. Tailteann is the only city in the game where players can participate in farming.
Speak with Blatt, the farm manager. You'll find Blatt in the center of town. Speak with him and select to lease a plot of land. Leasing land costs 30,000 gold pieces. Once you've leased some land, select the "Buy Seeds" options. Purchase cabbage seeds for an additional 500 gold pieces.
Travel to your farm plot. There are several farm plots around Tailteann. You can find yours by following the farm flag on your minimap. When you arrive, a "Plant Seeds" action button appears. Click it to begin sowing.
Click the "Water," "Fertilize" and "Catch Bugs" action buttons to tend to your farm. Once you've completed an action, perform another. On screen are three meters representing your completion of each action. Keep the meters balanced to improve the growth rate of the cabbage.
Push the "Harvest" button when your cabbage reaches either its third or fourth growth stage. Each time it reaches a new stage, its sprite changes. Although you can harvest during the third stage, you'll get a smaller harvest as a consequence.