Log in on a daily basis. You receive points each day just for logging in to vSide.
Add users to your friends list. For each friend you add, you receive 50 vPoints.
Use the camera tool (CTRL + B) to take a snapshot. For each snapshot that you upload to your album, you receive 100 vPoints.
Check the vSide event calendar regularly. The staff frequently hosts events enabling users to earn lots of points for participating.
Complete the Bot Trivia Question challenges. There are several bots scattered around different places in vSide. Answer their questions correctly to receive vPoints.
Go to the Kabuki theater in Raijuku to sumo wrestle. You earn vPoints for each match you win.
Complete your profile and confirm your email address. You receive 500 vPoints for a confirmed email address. You also receive vPoints for each "tag" you add to your profile, as well as filling in the "About Me" section.