Open your RSPS folder. Locate the file called "Client" or "Run Client," depending on which RSPS you have. In either case, the file is very small in size and is a .bat file. Right-click on the file and select "Edit" to open the file in a text editor.
Open your Finder or Windows Explorer again. Navigate to your 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK), which you had to download with your RSPS. It is probably located in Applications for the Mac or Program Files for the PC.
Search for the file called "java.exe." It is buried in other folders inside the JDK directory. Different versions of the JDK have different navigation paths to this file.
Copy the root address of the java.exe file. The root address is displayed in the address bar at the top of the file finder window. Otherwise, right-click the file and select "Copy Address."
Return to your client file that is opened in the text editor. There are fewer than five lines of code. Delete the code that says "Start javaw."
In the place of the deleted code, paste in the path address to the java.exe file that you copied earlier. Save the file.
Double-click your compiler in the RSPS folder to compile your game. Load the game and log in to your account. It won't crash now.