Use either Adobe Flash, Adobe Shockwave, or the Unity platform to develop your game. The game must not contain hateful, pornographic or obscene material. The final game file must be less than 20 MB in size and no more than 800 pixels wide when played in a browser.
Visit the Kongregate upload page and fill out all of the required fields for the upload. Click the "Continue" button.
Click the "Choose File" button and navigate to your Flash, Shockwave or Unity game file and double-click it. Check off all of the options you wish to have enabled or disabled for your game, and click the "Upload" button.
Allow time for the file to upload, usually no more than a few minutes, and then preview your game on the "Preview" page. Click the "Publish" button to submit your game for review, or press the "Edit" button to make changes to the game or game description.