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Directions to the Burning Steppes in World of Warcraft

The Burning Steppes is a zone found at the southern end of the Eastern Kingdoms continent in "World of Warcraft." This zone offers quests for characters of both factions between level 50 and 55. To reach it, you must pass through either Searing Gorge or Redridge Mountains, two adjacent zones, or take a mountain road starting from Swamp of Sorrows.


  1. From Ironforge

    • 1

      Travel out of Ironforge and south to Kharanos, in Dun Morogh.

    • 2

      Take the road east from Kharanos and follow it until you reach South Gate Pass.

    • 3

      Travel through South Gate Pass until you reach Loch Modan.

    • 4

      Turn south and follow the road to the Valley of Kings.

    • 5

      Pass through the gate guarded by Mountaineer Pebblebitty and proceed through the tunnel until you reach Searing Gorge.

    • 6

      Follow the road south, then southwest until you reach the ramp to Blackrock Mountain.

    • 7

      Climb up the ramp and into Blackrock Mountain.

    • 8

      Pass through Blackrock Mountain using either side of the circular walkway.

    • 9

      Pass through the gate at the south end of Blackrock Mountain and continue down the corridor until you exit into Burning Steppes.

    From Stormwind City

    • 10

      Travel out of Stormwind City and south to Goldshire, in Elwynn Forest.

    • 11

      Take the road east from Goldshire and follow it until you reach Redridge Mountains.

    • 12

      Continue following the road. When it forks, follow the north part and travel over the bridge to Lakeshire.

    • 13

      Take the north road out of Lakeshire.

    • 14

      Continue traveling north, ignoring any further forks in the road, until you reach Burning Steppes.

    From Orgrimmar or Undercity

    • 15

      Take the zeppelin to Grom'gol.

    • 16

      Take the road east out of Grom'gol. When it forks, follow the north part.

    • 17

      Continue traveling north, following the road until you cross into Duskwood.

    • 18

      Continue following the road. When you reach a "T"-shaped fork, take the east part.

    • 19

      Continue following the road as it curves north toward Darkshire.

    • 20

      Turn east off the road before it enters Darkshire and travel up the slope around Darkshire, circling around and avoiding the town.

    • 21

      Head north and rejoin the road traveling east out of Darkshire.

    • 22

      Follow the road east into Deadwind Pass.

    • 23

      Continue following the road, ignoring any forks, as it heads east, then curves south, then east again, until you reach Swamp of Sorrows.

    • 24

      Continue following the road. When it forks, take the north part, then continue following the road, ignoring any further forks, until you reach Bogpaddle.

    • 25

      Take the west road out of Bogpaddle.

    • 26

      Follow the road as it curves north and climbs up into the mountains.

    • 27

      Continue following the road as you pass first into Redridge Mountains, then Burning Steppes.

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