Alliance Characters
Increase your character's level to 82 by completing the quests available to you, killing enemies near your level and playing dungeons.
Travel to Stormwind City and fly to the island in the lake located in the northeast corner of the city.
Talk to Naraat the Earthspeaker, located on the island, and accept the quest "The Maelstrom."
Right click the portal to the Maelstrom that appears after you accept the quest.
Horde Characters
Level up your character to 82 by completing quests, killing enemies and playing through dungeons.
Travel to the city of Orgrimmar and fly to the ring of portals located to the north of the Valley of Wisdom.
Talk to Farseer Krogar and accept the quest "The Maelstrom."
Right click the Maelstrom portal that appears after you start the quest.