Visit, which is a large repository for gaming add-ons. Click on the search box in the top-right corner of the page and type in "recount." Press "Enter" to begin your search. Click on "Recount" at the top of the search results.
Click the "Download" button at the top of the page. This will begin the process to download the latest version of the add-on, which is compatible with "World of Warcraft's" Cataclysm expansion. Click the "Manual Install" button on the next page and choose to save the ZIP file to your hard drive.
Click the "Windows Explorer" button at the bottom of your Windows 7 desktop to access your file system. Click your hard drive on the left side of the screen, then double-click on "Program Files," or "Program Files (x86)," depending on where your "Warcraft" directory is located. Double-click on the "World of Warcraft" folder.
Double-click the "Interface" folder. If you do not see one, right-click near any folder, move your mouse over "New" and choose "Folder." Enter "Interface" as the name of this folder, then double-click it. Double-click the "AddOns" folder. If you don't have one, create it in the same way that you created the "Interface" folder.
Unzip the file that you downloaded. There will be only one folder in the file, which will be named "recount." Right-click this file and choose "Copy." Right-click anywhere within the "AddOns" folder and choose "Paste." If you had an older version of Recount, you will need to choose "Yes" to overwrite any conflicting files.
Launch "World of Warcraft," then enter your account name and password. When you get to the screen where you select your character, click the "Add-ons" button in the lower-left corner of the screen. Ensure that there is a check mark next to "Recount" and click "Okay." Recount will now be active when you log in to the game.