Things You'll Need
Consider moving to Irvine, California, since most Blizzard staff operate from the headquarters there. A centralized GM center allows Blizzard to effectively schedule shifts hour to hour to keep up with demands 24 hours a day.
Know the game. Players who have logged a lot of hours in the game, have many high-level characters and have obtained prestigious standing in the community through guild leadership, notoriety and forum hosting and participation have the required experience to deal with whatever problems may arise.
Demonstrate your ability to deal with people in a customer service role, either through previous or current employment or by other means such as volunteer work or altruistic hobbies. An essential aspect of being a GM is to calm and satisfy frustrated players and to handle their problem efficiently.
Email a cover letter, resume and salary history to [email protected] to be considered for employment. Timing is everything, as few positions are available until new servers open and more manpower is required. Attempt to apply when new servers are scheduled to open to maximize your chances.