Pet Rehydration
Buy a Marapop or Dehydrated Water at a shop such as the Soft Drinks shop in Slater Park or the "Auctions" area. You can also search for the beverages using the "Shop Search" feature. Click the "Shops" icon, select "Shop Search," enter "Marapop" or "dehydrated" as the keyword and then click the "Quick Search" button to see the shop with the lowest price in Marapoints (MP).
Trade for Marapop or Dehydrated Water if you can't find a cheap offer elsewhere. Click the "Trades" sign, click the "Create a New Trade" button, select an item to trade, type "Marapop" or "Dehydrated Water" in the "Wishlist" field and then click the "Create a Trade Lot" button.
Click the "Items" icon at the top of your "Mara Pets" account page after you have a Marapop or Dehydrated Water. Select the beverage and then click the "Use Item" button to rehydrate your pet.
Pet Nap
Click the "Homes" icon at the top of your "Mara Pets" account screen.
Select the thumbnail of your home and then click the home image on the next page to see the interior.
Click the bed icon and then click the "Put Pet to Bed" button. Select your tired pet and click "Put Pet to Sleep" to get it to take a nap.
Pet Boarding
Click "Explore" and then select "City of Marada" on the Marada map.
Select the "Hotel" in the city -- the building near the bottom-right corner with the damaged roof.
Scroll down the Hotel page to the "Number of Nights" drop-down menu. Select the number of nights between one day and four weeks for a fee in MP and then choose a tired pet. Click the "Start Vacation" button so your pet can rest.