Drag an oval from the shape selections to the canvas to use the shape in your design. Click on the black color in the "Warm Glow" pallet to color the oval black.
Click on the "Rotate" tool beneath the canvas. Drag the needle with the green thread to angle the oval to the direction you want Spongebob's nose to face in your design. Drag the oval to the picture so that the nose rests in the center below Spongebob's eyes.
Drag the placement meter next to the object to the top of the meter so the nose is at the forefront of the picture instead of hidden behind the eyes.
Drag a second identical oval onto the canvas. Click on the color in the palette that matches the yellow used for Spongebob to color the oval yellow. Click on the "Size" tool below the canvas and drag the needle to the left to make the yellow oval slightly smaller than the black oval.
Drag the yellow oval onto the picture. Position it so that some black shows at the top and down the sides of the nose to form Spongebob's nose.