Log in to your "FooPets" account each day to receive a FooDollar allowance. ClubFoo members get five FooDollars and ClubFoo Plus members get 10 FooDollars.
Buy FooDollars on with U.S. dollars via a credit card. You can buy FooDollars four times each day.
Upgrade your "FooPets" account from ClubFoo to ClubFoo Plus to get a higher FooDollars bonus every 30 days. ClubFoo members receive a 50 FooDollars bonus. ClubFoo Plus members receive an additional 150 FooDollars -- 200 FooDollars total every 30 days.
Visit the "FooPets" Arcade to try to win FooDollars. Spend one FooDollar per game and play to get high scores. The players with the highest scores win FooDollars from a FooDollar pool each hour.
Go to The FooPetter Archive and check out the latest edition of the "The FooPetter" newsletter for contests with FooDollar winnings. Follow the instructions for the contest, and then simply wait to see if you win.