"MapleStory" is an online role-playing adventure computer game that is divided into a number of different servers, referred to as "worlds." It is possible to trade in your game character to a different world by using an item available in the game's cash shop. This can only be performed once on each character above Level 20, and it costs $25. The character's quest history and items will be transferred along with them, including all of their in-game money up to a value of one million mesos.
Click on the "Cash Shop" button at the bottom of the main game screen.
Buy the Character Transfer item for 25,000 Nexon Points, or $25 of real money.
Collect all of the items and mesos you want to take with you to the new world in your inventory.
Use the Character Transfer item and wait for the next server check or patch on your new server, whereupon you will be able to start playing in your new world.