Quick Find Codes
Each quick find code is composed of several digits, separated into four different blocks by dashes. The first two blocks of dashes indicate the sub-forum the thread is found in, while the latter two blocks of dashes identify the thread. For example, the code "13-14-908-63095061" identifies the thread titled "Golden Joystick Awards" in the "News &Announcements" sub-forum.
Locating a Quick Find Code
To find a specific thread's quick find code, navigate to the thread in your browser. The quick find code can be found at the bottom of the page, between the thread navigation links and the forum menu. It is in light brown text on a medium brown background and clearly labeled "Quick find code." You can also identify a quick find code by looking at the thread's URL, taking the string of numbers found immediately after "ws?" and before ",goto" and replacing commas with dashes.
Using a Quick Find Code
You will find a small text box labeled "Jump to Thread" at the top of each page of the "RuneScape" forums, whether it is a forum summary page or a specific thread. Enter a quick find code in that text box, and then click the "Go" button or press the "Enter" key to immediately be taken to the thread identified by the code.
Quick find codes can provide links to specific forum threads when you are unable to type the entire link. For example, the "Clan Settings" interface allows clan owners, deputy owners and admins to add the quick find code for their clan's forum thread to the clan information, so that it is visible in the game.