Log in to your Adventure Quest Worlds account as you normally would. Go to the Battleon Town area and find the character named Valencia, who will be standing in the center of the town. Click on the exclamation mark above her head and select the "Special Codes" option.
Click on the text box when it appears. Type in the code "Thirteen1" and you will receive a special item called the Badger Helm, which you can equip to your character. Type in the code "Oicu812" and you will gain access to Beckett's Shop, where you can purchase hidden and hard-to-find items for your character.
Press the "/" button at any time to open up a chat window. Instead of chatting with other players, type "/join" to begin entering in a cheat code. If you wish to travel to a specific location, type "bridge," "invasion," "battleon," "castlegate," "farm" or "forest" after the "/join" to go to that area.
Type "trunk" after the "/join" to teleport directly to the Greenguard Basilisk boss. Type "greendragon" to start a fight with the Green Dragon boss. Type "deathgazer" to go straight to the Death Gazer boss, and type "well" to go to the Super Blob boss.