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How to Get Out of the Game MuseLock

"Muselock" is an online "escape" game where you are placed in a situation and room from which you must escape. There are several different puzzles you must solve in order to escape the game. All of these puzzles must be solved in a specific order by gathering items, inspecting them and interacting with the game environment in a very specific way. Getting stuck in the game is a very real possibility. However, if you know the correct route you can escape the game in a manner of moments.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
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    • 1

      Pick up the piece of paper that is on the desk and inspect it. Click to the right of the desk and click on the trash can. Pick up the trash can and turn around until you are facing the window. Click the panel underneath of the window to open a series of buttons. Press the glowing sun button to turn on the projector.

    • 2

      Turn around until you are looking at the projector screen next to the door. Read the symbol on the projector and write it on your paper to take note of it for later. Select the projector to look closer at the symbols.

    • 3

      Press the left and right arrows on the projector panel with your mouse to scroll through the symbols. Write all of these numbers down on your piece of paper. Click directly on the projector to remove the faceplate and then turn till you are facing the door.

    • 4

      Point your mouse at the door mat and click on it twice to remove it. Click on the small key under the rug to pick it up. Zoom out to see the door again. Select the key from your inventory and then click on the door knob to unlock the door. Open the door, but don't walk through or you will die.

    • 5

      Turn to face the projector screen and click on the control panel on the left side of the screen. Press the up arrow key to retract the screen. Click on the fuse to the right side of the control panel to collect it. Zoom out and zoom in on the puzzle panel that was revealed when you retracted the screen.

    • 6

      Zoom in to the glass panel underneath the puzzle and select the piece of paper from your inventory. Stuff it into the hole at the top of the glass panel. Click on the orange juice you've had since the beginning of the game and pour it into the funnel to activate the puzzle game.

    • 7

      Use your mouse to click on the circles in corner of the game. Click on these in any order, but select corner circles first. Select the middle circle to solve the puzzle. Click the unlock button next to the bottom right circle to open the puzzle.

    • 8

      Pick up the burned out fuse from behind the puzzle. Turn your view around until you are looking at the chair. Zoom in to the right arm of the chair and click on the faint outline of a panel twice. Pick up the small box and place the burnt fuse in the hole to open it.

    • 9

      Pick up the small key and turn to face the desk. Click under the desk to find a box and click on it again to zoom in to the box. Select the small key and click on the lock on the box. Continuously select the cover of the box until you are asked if you want to remove the cover or take the box. Remove the cover to find a bomb. Select the the wire located to the left of the pink plastic explosive. Click on the plastic explosive and then the box to take these. Select the key labeled "old key" and place it where you just picked up the box to complete an electrical circuit for the room.

    • 10

      Zoom out and turn around until you find the fuse panel. Place the good fuse you collected earlier into the left hand fuse slot. Turn to face the sculpture in the middle of the room. Select your plastic explosive from your items and place it on the sculpture glass near the bottom.

    • 11

      Step back one step and click on the second projector near the sculpture to zoom in to it. Click on the cover to place it over the projector and then click on the glowing sun button to detonate the bomb. Zoom out and look at the sculpture. Pick up the black light bulb revealed under the statue by the explosion.

    • 12

      Turn until you are facing the desk. Click on the lamp to zoom in to it. Select the black light bulb from your inventory and place the bulb in the empty socket. Click on the switch near the base to turn on the lamp. Turn to face the paintings on the wall to see the symbols you had written earlier.

    • 13

      Write the symbols in the order they are projected on the walls. Turn to face the door and select the keypad next to the door. Enter the symbols you wrote in the right order to turn on a green light. Exit the room and finish the game if the green light turns on. Move to the next step if the panel closes instead.

    • 14

      Turn around until you are facing the desk again. Look underneath the desk on the right hand side. Press the small button there to open the door panel again. Check the painting symbols again to find your mistake and enter the code properly.

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