Contact an Administrator or Mentor
Log in to your Meez account. Place your cursor above "Community" and select "Forums" on the drop-down menu.
Locate an Admin or Mentor in the Meez Forums -- Admins have purple names and Mentors have blue.
Click the "Send PM" button on an Admin's or Mentor's post and follow the onscreen instructions to send a private message. Private message options vary by person. You may only be able to send a general inquiry advising the Admin or Mentor that you need to discuss something, or the private message options may allow you to write a specific message detailing the thread title, Forums category and the reason you want the thread erased.
Wait for a response from the Admin or Mentor. The response may have a request for additional details about your inquiry, a confirmation of the successful erasure of the thread or an explanation as to why you can't have your request fulfilled.
"Contact Us" Web Form
Click the "Contact" link at the bottom of the Meez homepage.
Enter your name, email address and Meez username in the provided fields, then select "I need some help!" from the "Why do you want to contact us?" drop-down menu. Write a detailed message in the "Tell us your comment or problem" field explaining your Forums thread situation, the reason you want to have the thread erased and the location of the thread.
Type the CAPTCHA code from the box in the "Enter the text shown below" field and click "Send" to submit your request.
Wait for a member of the Meez staff to contact you about the thread.