Turn off any parental controls on your Web browser. Some Web browsers, such as AOL and Internet Explorer, have parental controls that allow you to limit the types of websites that can be visited on the computer. These settings generalize websites and prevent many from being accessed, even when they do not have harmful content.
Stop any Web scanners you run on your computer. Many virus scanners have some type of Web protection included in its software that automatically scans and monitors the traffic coming to and from your computer. If you try to access a site the virus scanner believes is malicious, it can prevent you from visiting the site.
Subscribe to a proxy service. Proxies allow you to visit a Web address from a different IP address, which is often the only way to access some sites, such as FunBrain, on networks whose control panel you do not have access to, such as on college campuses. These proxy services often charge a monthly fee to use, but will allow you to visit any website without any restrictions.