Go to the "Runescape" website. Click "Play Now" and log into your account.
Play the game until you are able to travel to Daemonheim -- a castle situated in the Eastern Wilderness area. You'll find it on the upper-right of your world map.
Speak to the tutor just to the east of the entrance to Daemonheim, to receive the Ring of Kinship. Open your inventory, and left-click on the ring you received. Click the "Form Party" button to start your own raiding party. You can do this alone or with some friends.
Enter the castle dungeon situated immediately to the left or right of the courtyard entrance. Play through the dungeons, and complete the floors to earn experience and tokens. These tokens are the only things you can buy the Gravite 2H with. You earn tokens at a rate of one token for every 10 Dungeoneering experience points.
Keep playing the game and completing floors in Daemonheim until you have amassed 40,000 tokens. This is the total cost of the Gravite 2H sword.