Add collection items to your wishlist on "Mafia Wars." To do so, click "Inventory" in the top menu and then click "Collections and Vault." Review the collection items and click the "+" next to each item to add to your wishlist. Click "Share Wishlist" and friends can give you the items free.
Complete jobs to earn collection items. Collection items are rewarded for completing jobs at each level of "Mafia Wars." For example, in the Associate level you can earn sculptures and poker chips.
Review your News Feed for collection items. Sometimes, when a friend gets a collection item the game allows her to post a link to collect an extra collection item. If you are the first person to click the link, the item will be added to your collection.
Play the Daily Chance lottery in the Marketplace for collection items. You are awarded a free ticket every day that you can use to select numbers. Check your ticket each day to find out if you won a collection item.