Getting a Dragon
Travel to the Pet Pavilion, located through the tunnel near Prospector Zeke in the Wizard City Commons.
Talk to Merle Ambrose about getting a pet and you will receive a dragon egg. Place your mouse over the egg to see how much time is left until your dragon has hatched.
Click on the baby dragon to equip after hatching.
Training Your Dragon
Train your pet at the four minigames in the Pet Pavilion. Your pet will gain experience and level up to a teen and then to an adult. The dance game requires you to copy a pattern of arrows to make your pet dance. The maze game requires you to make your pet travel through a maze and pick up food while avoiding ghosts. In the gobbler drop game, you feed your pet and have them catch gobblers. In the cannon game you must fire your pet at a target and avoid obstacles.
Feed your pet a snack after each training game. A snack will give your pet a statistics boost and help them to increase in level faster. You can buy or make a snack for your pet.
Train your pet at more minigames and feed him a snack after each one. Continue until your pet runs out of energy. Allow your dragon's energy to restore and train it some more until it reaches the adult stage.